I can think about how to technically build something with this level of tracking but there is nothing built-in that would sort this out.
In theory what you want is for each ad to append a tracking param ?source=fb and then carry that information around somehow.
Simplest extension to take care of this is something that integrates with google analytics and raises an analytics event when someone enters via facebook and when someone signs up. Would take a few days to build and test, maybe ask in marketplace
I’ve thought about it a little more… Turns out a tracking pixel is only used for retargeting, so I won’t be using one (At least not now).
So the plan would be to build different campaign links for each ad. That will at least show me how each ad (topic) did as far as new users, time on site, #pages viewed etc.
If “/users/account-created” is the first next URL a new user is redirected to after a succesful signup, you can easily track conversions in FB (and have FB optimize your ad delivery for conversions!) by
Installing your FB Pixel to all pages and URLs on your discourse (directly or via GTM)
Creating a Custom Conversion in your Facebook Ads manager (Name: Discourse Signup, Rule: URL contains users/account-created, Category: Lead)
When you launch ads, you then simply select Conversions as your Campaign Objective and have FB optimize your ad delivery for conversions, in this case Discourse Signup.
If they sign up with a pre-validated email (e.g. Google, most Facebook auth), they will not land on the “account created, please verify your email” page.
I tried fb signup event which didnt work, however the purchase event was fired a number of times instead which is ok for me as long as fb optimizes accordingly
I was creating a goal including this url part, but was hesitant when looked at historical data. But your ‘N.B’ opened a new perspective for me and I’ve set a goal properly containing this url.
Fingers crossed for now.
I’m wondering the same thing. I too am trying to track where signups came from and need a URL to set up goals against. Do others see traffic from /users/account-created ? I’m also interested in the Riking’s suggestion below but don’t understand the setup. Thank you!