How can I view categories and "latest" on mobile?

How can I view categories and “latest” on mobile?

Like this?

I looked, and they used some custom JS code to force the “categories and latest topics” view.

I did not check if there was a better way; here is what they do (I modernized the code and added some comments):

import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
import CategoriesAndLatestTopics from "discourse/components/categories-and-latest-topics";
import CategoryList from "discourse/models/category-list";
import { MAX_UNOPTIMIZED_CATEGORIES } from "discourse/lib/constants";

export default apiInitializer((api) => {
  // Forces the Categories and latests topic view.
    (Superclass) =>
      class extends Superclass {
        get categoriesComponent() {
          if (this.args.parentCategory) {
            return super.categoriesComponent;
          } else {
            return CategoriesAndLatestTopics;

  // Same as original, minor the "" check,
  // so it finds the latest topics for mobile as well.
    (Superclass) =>
      class extends Superclass {
        async findCategories(parentCategory) {
          let model;

          let style = this.siteSettings.desktop_category_page_style;
            style = "categories_only";

          if (
            style === "categories_and_latest_topics" ||
            style === "categories_and_latest_topics_created_date"
          ) {
            model = await this._findCategoriesAndTopics(
          } else if (style === "categories_and_top_topics") {
            model = await this._findCategoriesAndTopics(
          } else {
            model = await CategoryList.list(, parentCategory);

          return model;

You can try to paste the code into a new component → Edit code → JS tab.
Let me know if it helps.


Thank you very much. I tried, but it didn’t change anything. :thinking:

I would check the following, make sure:

  • Code is in the JS tab (and not others places)
  • Your code is enabled (if you created a TC, make sure it’s attached to the theme)
  • You have the desktop_category_page_style site setting to categories_and_latest_topics
  • If you have errors in the browser’s console

Let’s see if we can figure out why nothing happens.

I think I did it all that way. Is it correct copied?

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You can remove the duplicate. That’s likely the reason it doesn’t work (these 5 lines):

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Now something is coming! But not when I use “modern category and group” Thing.
