How can RSS topics be posted as “listed”?

I am integrating an RSS feed into a discourse category. However all topics are coming through as “unlisted” but with the embedded user however if the admin changes the topic to “listed” then the author changes to that admin user.

How can RSS topics be posted as “listed”?


You can prevent this by disabling the embed unlisted site setting. That setting is enabled by default. When enabled, topics that are embedded from external sources will be unlisted until they receive a reply.

That shouldn’t be happening. I’ll look into it later today.


I am not able to reproduce this on my site that’s using the latest Discourse code. The staff member who lists the topics will get shown as the topic’s last post though. On mobile, this could make it look like they are the author of all the topics. Possibly this is what you are seeing.

If the actual topic owners are being changed on your site when topics are re-listed, let us know.


It is the icon I can see changing. I’ve unchecked new items being unlisted which is working however it required an “username to embed” which I assumed would be captured in the host information.
All good otherwise


The plugin works pretty well, but I have one problem.

All new “posts” are invisible until I set them manually to visible.

Or is this same as you here described?

Yes, you need to disable the embed unlisted site setting so that new topics created from the RSS feed will not be set as unlisted. I am going to update the first post in this topic to add instructions for disabling that setting.

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