How do I Change Email Adress in admin/settings/emails?

Hi Wes!
I noticed you pasted what looked like an actual password so I quickly replaced it. I see you did replace it in other posts above so I imagine you know to be careful with this :slight_smile:

The notification email is the from address that email notifications will have, and it needs to be in your configured Discourse domain or else notifications won’t arrive to your users’ inbox due to the email verification mechanisms in play.

That is, if you set your Discourse hostname to, your notification email should be something like


Oh gosh, thank you Leonardo for erasing the pw!

OK, thanks also for the rest of you tips! I will try to see how it goes…


I ran the following in the Digital Ocean console, and this time it was able to complete the setup changes (which was to just change the SMTP info. I didn’t do it in the ytm file directly because I wasn’t sure, after editing it there, I should save or save files in all editors, in case I screwed up).

My email domain is, from what I understand, even though my domain is So, what I don’t understand is why I need serenityblue to relay emails? ( Shouldn’t I use Gmail’s smtp server?

Maybe the initial certified discourse support person used serenityblue to relay my emails to his email address, and now when he is no longer helping us, it should be reset to Gmail?

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Gmail is your personal email service, but you need a separate service for Discourse to send emails. Gmail does not support that; that’s where Send In Blue comes in.
You definitely need an SMTP service like it for Discourse to send notifications.

You should be all set now; discourse-setup writes the values you input to the .yml, which will be picked up on future ./launcher restart CONTAINER runs.

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So, should my noreply still be, even though I have no email services at Or should the noreply somehow be set up with serenityblue and I should contact them to help me with that? Or how does that work? For example, ?

The smtp does still not work, and I wonder if it is because I don’t know what to put as a noreply email

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There are a few different email providers you can use. Sendinblue does have a free tier for 300 emails a day if you’re on a budget, and is relatively simple to sign up for (I did it especially for this run-through) so may be a good one to consider if you don’t already have an account with them?

Once you sign up you can go to your sendinblue SMTP page and grab the info that you need from there.

It sounds like you haven’t set up a mail provider yet.


Thanks, Jammy! I’m setup with sendingblue, so I’ll use their relay address then. It seems like the right thing to do, for sure. Also, they have a very good support service (just like you guys).


Thanks to all of you! The problem is resolved. I got some additional help from @leonardo, who fixed the entire issue.


That’s fantastic. :slightly_smiling_face: :partying_face::balloon:

Thank you @leonardo :+1: