How do I install a purchased SSL certificate?

Hi People,

A quick question.
the following discourse thread mentions

Get a signed cert and key and place them in the /var/discourse/shared/standalone/ssl/ folder

Private key is:

Cert is

What exactly it means, how to upload the cert and key ??? is there any upload utility ?? Please help me solve this situation§

There is no upload utility in particular.

You can use winSCP or Filezilla to transfer your certificate & key to your server.

Rename the files as ssl.crt and ssl.key


If you run


it will prompt you for an email address and give you a free cert from Let’s Encrypt. That’s probably what you want to do.


I already purchased SSL from uniregitry and now learning how to configure it for discourse forum

You can Google scp YOUR_OS and try to figure out how to move the files and have to do it again every time the certificate expires, or run one command that will give you a free certificate forever.


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