How to install SSL certificate?

I had trouble getting someone else to install my forum for me.
Recently my friend was traveling for a while.
I would like to ask where the certificate for ssl is installed?
I have downloaded the ssl certificate to my computer. Didn’t find the installation port in the backend.

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If you follow the standard install procedure you get a free let’s encrypt certificate automatically. I recommend that you follow those instructions.

Do you have a reason not to use the free certificate?

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I am not familiar with it. My friend is supposed to have a standard install. Since he’s not familiar with this forum code, it also took him several days of research, and a few failures, and various attempts at trial and error, before he followed the instructions.

Occasionally, though, my forum will fail to be opened. Because it would be prompted that the site was not secure.

It sounds like they didn’t do a standard install.

Do you have /var/discourse? Do you see an app.yml inside of /var/discourse/containers?

I am completely unfamiliar with the code. So I don’t know ugh. I’ll have to ask my friend. He’ll know. But he’s not in right now. A reply might take a long time.

I haven’t done discourse standard installs but was able to figure out how to install SSL certificate for wordpress site with domain registrar, that was confusing took awhile to figure out how to do that.

If you can tell me what kind of servers you need this setup for I may be able to help with that.

Thank you very much. But I personally know nothing about this type of installation.
I neither know what I know, and I don’t even know what I don’t know.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Can’t get certificate to renew?