How does the search bar work exactly?

I’m building a forum for the school teachers involved in our non-profits programmes. Many of them have requested to be put into contact with other teachers sharing the same location/type of project/subject/grade of students taught etc…

The simplest option I could think of was to have an “Introduce Yourself” category where the users would introduce themselves using the parameters I listed above. In order to search for a peer they would first use the search bar and enter the desired parameters and if they don’t find anything they could post an ad in the “Search for Peers” category using the desired parameters.

Although simple on my end, this solution is not simple for the users but I think it’s doable. At one condition : that the search bar can return results for topics that include some but not necessarily all words in the prompt.

I’ve been having a hard time looking for documentation on the search bar.
For clarity here are my questions :

Can the search bar return results for topics that include some but not necessarily all words in the prompt ?

Can the search bar return results from users about me section of their profile?

Do you have a better/simpler idea than this for a search for peers functionality?

Thanks for your time and sorry for being a little bit off topic.

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