How to access system admin space?


I would like to update my discourse instance to the latest version. However, I can’t seem to have access to the upgrade option even if my user account has admin rights. I guess that only system admin can do that, so would like to connect as a system admin, but I don’t know how to do that. Does anyone know how to do that ?

Note: I am the one who created the discourse instance. And on the first step I was logged in as system user.

If your account is Admin. Which it should be if you setup the instance

  1. Open Sidebar
  2. Click Admin
  3. Reopen sidebar
  4. 3 item down from Dashboard says “Update Discourse”

You can also update from the command line. Sometimes required and recommended to do every so often.

Does that updater upgrading too? I’m doing everything always on shell.

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The thing is that I am using a discourse instance created through my organisation’s service (CERN in Geneva). I don’t seem to have access to the same interface as you. This is how my dashboard looks like. And I can’t find that Update Discourse option.

Also, I don’t have access to the server running my instance, so I can’t do anything via command line.

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You can add admins to the admin sidebar enabled groups site setting to enable the sidebar

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I think I remember CERN having a more bespoke setup than usual? If it’s the same one @artur and @trobiyo are connected to, at least. Perhaps they know more?


Yes it allows you to update discourse and docker

Interesting looks like the admin prior to the experimental (or formerly) admin sidebar

But your missing the upgrade tab. This is my stable instance still using the old admin top bar

In all site settings as @Moin suggested you might be able to find it if you add admin to sidebar.

Or might need someone as Jammy said who may have XP with your instance difference.

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Indeed the CERN discourse instances are centrally managed and updated, so you can’t do that yourself. See the docs: