A critical update is available. Please upgrade! But when going to upgrade shows up to date

Hello! We are getting the message A critical update is available. Please upgrade!

I was expecting to be able to update from admin web, but when I navigate to admin/update it shows all is up to date. We are in version:
Discourse 3.3.0.beta1-dev - https://github.com/discourse/discourse version 0bb492c6b6b79389a12b277b9d25b99e75f2625d

The up to date shows: v3.2.0.beta5 +419

Could you please help us to understand why is not possible to update from the web, is it only from ssh? are we doing something wrong?

Whatever caused that desync is most likely why Discourse is confused and won’t let you update from the UI. A CLI rebuild should fix whatever weirdness is happening there.


Thank you! So the idea is that it is possible to update always to new versions from the web admin without the need of rebuilding the docker? We are just new to Discourse and we are not sure on how to proceed with upgrades.

Typically, just doing updates from web should be fine, you just seem to have accidentally gotten into a weird state, which is why you’ll have to do a rebuild.

Usually, but not always. A few times a year changes are made to core components that require a new container to be rebuilt. If you did a standard install, the literate computing dashboard will let you do command line rebuilds with a click. It’s free if you join the free trial group, and full support is available for a fee.