How to alter Discourse main page style


recently I came across a forum (, quite old style i.e. main topics/thread and then users can create new topics in within that parent topic, but I find it more easy for users and want to apply this to my forum. Can anyone please tell me how can I achieve this interface?

You’re looking for the desktop category page style site setting, set to “Categories with Featured Topics”.


@jomaxro Thanks for the reply. I am unable to find this option in the settings.

Hmm, are you running the latest version of Discourse, or are you running version 1.6?

@jomaxro > Version v1.6.5 +3/1.6.6

OK, that’ll do it. This setting was implemented in 1.7. I don’t remember what the setting (if any) was called back in 1.6. Perhaps @zogstrip knows, he added the new settings.


I believe it was just called category page style. We added the desktop prefix because we’ll add a mobile specific site setting :wink:

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Nothing such found. Can you @zogstrip please guide me to get this settings done?

Easy to miss, but the “prefix” in zogstrip’s post is not in monospace. i.e. it is not part of the setting name.

What was said is "category page style" is now “desktop category page style” in prep for the coming “mobile category page style” setting.

Anyway, I have two localhost versions of Discourse, latest and 1.6.0beta9

The 1.6.0beta9 version does not have a “category page style” setting.

It does have category style, but that is bar, box, bullet.

It does have the newer “hybrid” categories page. but I could not find any setting.

Things have changed since that version so there very well could have been a setting that was there between then and now. (Or maybe “top menu” took “classic” ?)

In any case, rather than hunt down a setting that may or may not be there, why not upgrade to latest?


@Mittineague it says that I already up to date. Whenever, their is any update, I do install it.

Hmmm, must be a branch thing. (eg. stable ?)

The latest version is 1.7.0beta7

I have only localhost development installs and don’t have a live forum so I can afford to take chances that things might break.

I guess it’s a trade off. It takes a while for “cutting edge” changes to make it into the stable branch. so the choice is to either wait or be prepared for possible breakage.

Sounds risky I know. but I think if you visit here often you’ll see reports of problems (so you can hold off on upgrading for a while) and though there are a few tenacious bugs, major issues are resolved very quickly.

Of course the safest thing would be to have both live and staged installs so you could test on staging before swapping it to live.

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alright thanks for the reply. I shall wait for the stable version : )