How to change category display style and change the home page of the forum

Hello. I’m new to Discourse as an admin but not as a user. I can’t for the life of me find the answer in the forums on how to setup the Categories to display as square blocks vs horizontal line items. The blocks is how the “how-to” section is on this forum.

And then I can’t seem to find instructions on how to modify what displays on the home page of a forum. AirTable has two columns: one for categories and one for the latest posts.

I’m happy to do the reading if someone can point me in the right direction but I’ve search and don’t know how to ask the question to get the answers and knowledge base I’m looking for.

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What you are seeing on our #howto category page is set in the Subcategory List Style section of the category’s edit modal. To get subcategories to display in boxes, go to the category page and click the Edit button:

Go to the edit window’s Settings tab and scroll to the Appearance section. Select “Boxes with featured topics” as the Subcategory List Style. Then save the category:

The easiest way to modify the home page of your forum is to re-run the setup wizard. To run the wizard, go to Click through the wizard’s steps until you get to the Homepage step. You can use the dropdown menu on that step to preview what each of the homepage options look like.

When you find the display option you are looking for, click the Finish button.