How to choose 'All Categories' & 'All Tags' in their respective dropdown menus, in one go?

In this topic and some other places in meta, I’ve seen this, shown next, picture, that shows ‘all categories’ and ‘all tags’ shown ‘selected/chosen’ in their respective drop down menus.

How can I achieve this? I’ve also tried installing this component shown in this very topic.

When I click on ‘All Categories’ in my sidebar, I get this (pls compare ‘Categories’ to ‘all categories’ and ‘tags’ to ‘all tags’):

I think the text was changed in

But you can Customize text in Discourse.

So you can change tagging.selector_tags from ‘tags’ to ‘all tags’ and categories.categories_label from ‘categories’ to ‘all categories’ to get this:

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That solved the doubt.

But if the/this text was changed in the release mentioned by you, shouldn’t my site-text should have been updated automatically? Why only my website continues to have old labels (of ‘Categories’ and ‘Tags’)?

Because the ‘all’ was removed in that commit. So the version without ‘all’ is the new version.

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