How to configure custom landing page with Memberful

I am setting up a members only Discourse using Memberful to handle membership.

Integrating Memberful with Discourse & enabling Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access. gives the following behaviour:

Users who aren’t logged on are automatically redirected to the Memberful login (which doesn’t give an option to join). I talked to Memberful support & they said that this was the expected behaviour & there was no way to change it.

The behaviour I’d like is users who aren’t logged on are redirected to a welcome page URL: https:\\

I was wondering if it’s possible to disable Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access. & then add some custom code (a redirect in the template?) which redirects users who aren’t logged into to the custom welcome page URL.

Or is there a better way of doing this?