I wanted to setup SSL on an existing Discourse but made a mistake and now whenever I try to access the forum I get in the co,sole
The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header has been ignored, because the URL’s origin was untrustworthy. It was defined either in the final response or a redirect. Please deliver the response using the HTTPS protocol. You can also use the ‘localhost’ origin instead. See Secure Contexts and HTML Standard.
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
Any idea what I can do to disable SSL and have access to the admin interface?
Can you elaborate on the mistake you made? Is it a standard installation?
By default, HTTPS is enabled; you usually have nothing to do, so I’m wondering what you did.
Its a standard installation thougha few years old and upgraded regularly. I realized that my browser showed and icon “Connection is not secure” in the address bar and went to look for SSL in the admin console. I forgot which option I checked - I thought I could go back anyway - but I selected “enforce SSL” or something like that.
Is there anyway to disable it? Or check the configuration?