How to dismiss Global Notice Alert

The div id is global-notice-alert-bootstrap-mode and another message related to bootstrap mode.

  1. There sould be a way to dismiss the above notice, I get the point only admin will see this messages, but it is too anyoying.
  2. The a href tag on the global-notice did not render as link not sure if it a issue?


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Would going to admin -> customise ->text and search js.wizard_required and remove the message help? Also with bootstrap you can remove message js.bootstrap_mode_enabled or just change value here in settings bootstrap mode min users
Thanks. btw, bootstrap refreshes every 24 hours. So message will be there for another day.


Yes, they only show to admins and no, these banners convey very important messages so they should not be dismissible.

First, the wizard notice,

  1. there was an issue with the link not rendering correctly. That issue is now resolved. Please update to the latest and it will go away.
  2. If you see that banner on your site, then you’ve not finished the site setup wizard. We strongly recommend that you do. Once you complete the wizard steps, the notice will go away.

Second, the bootstrap mode notice

This is linked to the number of users you have on your site. It’s there to let you know that your site is still in bootstrap mode. Once you have 50 users on your site, the banner will go away within 24 hours.

If it bothers you that much, then you can use CSS to hide it.


Thanks @ondrej and @Johani for the advice and I appricate your help. I will implement and let you know.


  1. There was an issue with the link not rendering correctly. That issue is now resolved. Please update to the latest and it will go away.
    I updated to the latest version, but i still see the link does not render properly.