Hoping to get some suggestions for the best course of action: We’re planning a design contest for accessories for our product, and want to allow folks in our community to submit. We’re thinking of using the voting plug in, but also want to be able to moderate submissions as they come in (they’d all likely include some form of digital artwork). I’d also create a category specifically for this contest so we can keep all submissions in one place.
Not married to this idea, but curious how others would go/have gone about something like this?
What if we did an open and publicly visible group, and had users PM us their submissions? Would we be able to link to that for social/marketing promotion of the contest? Then I’m thinking we could move each PM to a Topic and have them appear as posts?
Okay, I’ve gotten all my ducks in a row with your help, except one: I’m getting this (seemingly) same error when testing my URL: URLs for Group Message: Error for private groups. I have it set to Group-owners-and-admins-only visibility, but everyone can message and all the tests I’ve done resulted in the same “Sorry, an error has occurred.” message.