How to mention in Discourse comments, or disable commenting?

Hi there,

Our beta users are frustrated that it doesn’t seem possible to @ mention people in comments. Is there a way to enable this? Alternately, as I’ve noticed the meta Discourse seems to have disabled commenting entirely, how might this be achieved? Many thanks!

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Are they enabled?

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What do you mean by comments? - Those added by Discourse Post Voting?

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Yes, mentions are enabled. Users can mention one another in posts. However, they can’t mention one another in comments.

Here’s a screenshot of me trying to mention myself in a comment vs in a reply. The @[name] in the comment doesn’t become a mention.

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Yes, thank you @Moin. I didn’t realize that comments were an added feature of the Post Voting plugin. I have that enabled by default, so I thought the settings for comments would be found in Admin > settings, not in the plugin settings. I don’t see a way to make mentions available in the post voting plugin settings, but this answers the other question about how to disable comments in favour of replies.


You may need to make a feature request. Interesting though as would have thought mentions would work.

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