Here are the way too detailed instructions. Let me know if it doesn’t work as advertised.
Create a GitHub account if you don’t already have one.
In Discourse, Export your theme:
Admin -> Customize -> Select the theme you want to export
This saves the theme as a .zip file on your computer.
Extract the files on your computer.
Go to GitHub and create a New repository:

Click on “uploading an existing file”
Drag the unzipped folders and files from the theme you exported that will be something like:

from your computer to your repository and click “Commit Changes”
- Now you can edit the about.json file. Click on the file name
The file will be something like
"name": "Default",
"component": false,
"license_url": null,
"about_url": null,
"authors": null,
"theme_version": null,
"minimum_discourse_version": null,
"maximum_discourse_version": null,
"assets": {
"badge": "assets/badge.png"
"color_schemes": {
"blue-light": {
"primary": "22262a",
"secondary": "fefefe",
"tertiary": "2572e4",
"quaternary": "518ee9",
"header_background": "1550a7",
"header_primary": "fcfcfc",
"highlight": "9edaf5",
"danger": "ff7114",
"success": "85cc54",
"love": "de0100"
"learn_more": ""
- Click on the edit pencil icon.
Now you can edit it. I recommend changing the name of the color scheme; otherwise when you import the theme back to your site, you’ll end up with two different color schemes with the same name. So below I’ve changed
"blue-light": {
"blue-lite": {
Just add your color variable overrides to the end of the color scheme after love
and make sure to include a comma after the love value
"name": "Default",
"component": false,
"license_url": null,
"about_url": null,
"authors": null,
"theme_version": null,
"minimum_discourse_version": null,
"maximum_discourse_version": null,
"assets": {
"badge": "assets/badge.png"
"color_schemes": {
"blue-lite": {
"primary": "22262a",
"secondary": "fefefe",
"tertiary": "2572e4",
"quaternary": "518ee9",
"header_background": "1550a7",
"header_primary": "fcfcfc",
"highlight": "9edaf5",
"danger": "ff7114",
"success": "85cc54",
"love": "de0100",
"primary-high": "333333",
"primary-medium": "666666",
"primary-low-mid": "999999",
"primary-low": "cccccc"
"learn_more": ""
Click on “Commit Changes”
Click on the repository name to go back to the main repository page
Copy the Clone or Download link

In Discourse, Import your theme:
Admin -> Customize -> Install -> From a git repository: Paste the link and Install

You can now edit this theme just like you would any local theme with your custom $primary-high, $primary-medium, $primary-low-mid and $primary-low values.