How to prevent smart dates in the calendar bbcode?

I would like to be able to show a date as a day of the week. Using dddd works if the date is at least a week away:


[date=2025-11-01 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Madrid" format="dddd"]

But if the date is yesterday or in 48 hours, the time appears along with yesterday/today/tomorrow:


- [date=2020-10-31 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Madrid" format="dddd"]
- [date=2020-11-01 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Madrid" format="dddd"]
- [date=2020-11-02 time=15:00:00 timezone="Europe/Madrid" format="dddd"]
- [date=2020-11-03 time=15:00:00 timezone="Europe/Madrid" format="dddd"]

Is there a way to prevent this smart behavior?

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I asked this question a while ago in this thread

Short answer was to put in the words “calendar=off”

[ date=2020-11-01 time=11:10:00 timezone="America/Chicago"calendar=off ]



Thank you so much for asking it (and sharing it). :blush:

I found the tests here:

I didn’t know there were all these other options: :sweat_smile:

  • timezones
  • displayedTimezone
  • countdown
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