I know that for each admin report, there is a .json API to fetch the data. The report I’m interested in is topics_with_no_response and I was able to filter by category via https://xxx.com/admin/reports/topics_with_no_response?end_date=2023-06-16&filters=%7B%22category%22%3A7%2C%22include_subcategories%22%3Atrue%7D&mode=table&start_date=2023-06-14. However if I switched to the json endpoint via https://xxx.com/admin/reports/topics_with_no_response.json?end_date=2023-06-16&filters=%7B%22category%22%3A7%2C%22include_subcategories%22%3Atrue%7D&mode=table&start_date=2023-06-14, it doesn’t return the data.
Do we have different syntax to query these two endpoints?
Could you give me an example of the POST request? What should be the body? I tried to just change GET to POST with the same URL but it seems doesn’t work.
When I switched to POST and pass all the query parameters as the POST data, I got “Page Not Found”. However I was able to use POST to run data explorer queries. Do you have any ideas? Thanks!
Have a look at Reverse engineer the Discourse API. When I try that approach for the Topics With no Response report, I’m seeing it make GET requests similar to: