How to see all invites and invite tree?

I want to be able to see all invites that have ever been used on the Discourse forum. And I want to see who sent each invite, and who received each invite.

There is a similar thread here marked as “solved” Can all staff see all pending invites? - #2 by simon

However this does not actually work at all. None of the invites on my forum have been sent via email. So there is no email log for invites. All invites have been sent by copy / pasting the invite link and transmitting it through other channels.

Additionally, it seems that the forum admin can only see invites that they themselves created, and cannot see invites that other users have created and shared. This really does not make any sense. The admin of the forum should be able to see all invites from all users, both pending and used. Is there a way to enable this?

It would be nice if the invites could be displayed in a “tree” format as well, such that you can trace the invite chain backwards as needed. Is this possible?

for what its worth, if you follow the instructions here to access the database directly, you can see the data is present here in the database;

cd /var/discourse/
./launcher enter app

# start the Postgres console
sudo -u postgres psql discourse

# run this SQL command to list all invites
select * from invites;

I will look into try to use the Data Explorer plugin to see this from the website UI Discourse Data Explorer

it seems like this is something that should just be built into the Admin panel though