How to set which options are available for flagging?

…and that’s how I know it from most forums, but on MetaBrainz’ Discourse the message and something else options are missing.

At last for most people.

I’m a member there and don’t have these options a regular says they do have it, but a moderator confirmed he doesn’t.

Where would the admins find the option to change that?

There is no way to change that, as far as I know, other than CSS hiding the options.

So if the admins didn’t do this intentionally this is probably an error caused by some other CSS customization they did?

I’m the moderator in question, and I am in fact not just a moderator, but the main admin of the site, if that makes any difference.

@codinghorror What CSS would I be looking for?

Another option maybe: we have user-to-user messaging turned off for the forum (for a couple of reasons), could this be the reason?


Aha, good catch. With PMs disabled that would indeed remove the user to user PM and the user to staff PM options from the flag dialog.


Well, I guess that’s one mystery solved then. Thanks @codinghorror!


I would find it useful to hide the Off-topic reason for flagging. (We sort of have a happy-go-lucky style of posting in our community, and off-topic posts are the norm.)

@Rahim123 This should be resolvable through custom CSS.

I’d expect something like the following should work fine;

.controls.off_topic {
    display: none !important;
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Nice, thanks very much!

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