How to use the sitemap properly?

Hello. Can somebody to clarify to me - how to use discourse sitemap with right way?
In discourse settings I enable sitemap:

This is my sitemap file content:

<sitemapindex xmlns="">

I add this sitemap to GSC and looks like this file was succesfull imported, but it always show only one founded page:

If I try to add to GSC file sitemap_1.xml which actualy contain all(or many) of my pages, GSC don’t import it with error.

So… what the right way help GSC to index my site? Or I don’t need to do anything and google import sitemap while scan robot.txt file and further i’ll only have to wait?

Hey, whats URL you are putting on gsc? yourdomain/sitemap.xml ?

Thanks! Yes, I gues ))
I fill the form on GSC, like this:

and I think its mean what domain name was included.
The same way I try to add sitemap_1.xml:

and it did’t work.

Try with httpS


Thanks again, David! Did’t know what in GSC need add separate http and https. I was add this domain to GSC many years ago, when certificates were practically not used anywhere. Apparently for this reason it was impossible to use the httpS address in the sitemap adding form. But that’s not a problem. Now I’ve added my resource again, and now I can use httpS in this form.

However, at the moment, this also does not solve the problem. When I open the processing data of this file, I see two other sitemap files. And the one what containing all the topics and categories still does not import due to an error:

Could there be a problem in this file? Perhaps the names of topics/categories may contain some incompatible symbols that violate the xml syntax? I check it in Notepad++ and looks like xml is correct.

Wait a while. It will settle on its own. It happens to me sometimes. Check back in half an hour.

I just checked your sitemap_1.xml. It’s looks fine for me


You shouldn’t use sitemap_1.xml because you never know how many sub-sitemaps you will get. Use just plain sitemap.


Yes. At this time I add only sitemap.xml file. Files sitemap_1.xml and sitemap_recent.xml appear in GSC by themselves, as I understand it, after scanning the contents of the sitemap.xml file by google.

Looks like someting went wrong between sitemap_1.xml and GSC. At this time(after almost two days) this file is steel with error, and in the same time, yandex import this file without any problems.

sitemap.xml imported seccessfully

also followed sitemap_recent.xml seccessfully but sitemap_1.xml is “Not received”

Then I check this file in url-validation is like everything ok:


I still can’t umderstand why you are sending _1 and recent when you should use only sitemap.xml.

Just look at the contents of the sitemap.xml file and you will understand.
I send ONLY sitemap.xml, and files sitemap_recent.xml and sitemap_1.xml are added automatically as a result of Google scanning the contents of the sitemap.xml file.
I am sure that this was intended by the developers of Discourse, because the sitemap.xml file does NOT contain any information about topics and categories, it ONLY contains links to these two files, which in turn contain information about topics and categories.
That is, ultimately, scanning the sitemap.xml file leads to Google importing sitemap_recent.xml and sitemap_1.xml

My bad. Of course I ment sitemap_index.xml. And it’s only purpose is guide googlebot to sub-sitemaps. That’s why you don’t tell location of sitemap_x.xml (because there can be several and you never know how many) and sitemap_recent.xml.

You are supposed send only index-sitemap, nothing else. Basically, you are wasting your time trying to send sitemaps that Google doesn`t need neither wants.

That’s exactly what I do. I send only sitemap.xml and not sitemap_x.xml and not sitemap_recent.xml, but this files appear in GSC after I send only sitemap.xml
And there is no sitemap_index.xml.

Well… why are you asking these if you aren’t using those :flushed:

I think you didn’t understand the essence of how Google works with the sitemap.xml file from Discourse and therefore you ask the same question in a circle. Google itself imports these files after scanning the sitemap.xml file, but in my case the sitemap_recent.xml file is imported successfully, and the sitemap_x.xml file is imported with an error.

I know very well, but:

  • that ”broken” sitemap isn’t from Google, you have sended it even you should not
  • circle comes from your question; same question, same answer every time

What ever. You are still wasting your time.

I told you many times. I DON’T send nothing but sitemap.xml. What else i can do for you pay attention at this? I need to record video?? Or else?

I think it only you waste my time. Better don’t try to “help” me please :open_hands:


Can you delete the sitemap completly and re-send one more time?

I checked this one more time and noticed that it takes several seconds for the sitemap to load properly. But I think that has something to do with its 6 thousand threads.

I tried to help as I could and I think everything seems normal to me. You have others sitemaps in this GSC accounts?

is it a domain property or a URL prefix? if it’s a url prefix, please try with a domain property.

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Ok. I delete sitemap:

and send one more time:

Google say - it’s all right

And now then when I click on this newly sended sitemap.xml, I see two new files and theres steel one file with error “Not received”

Let me remind you that at the same time, another search engine (yandex) accepted the same sitemap.xml without any problems and then read the contents of the file sitemap_1.xml without any problems.
So… problem somethere beetwen google and this sitemap.

At this time no. Earlier in this account there was a sitemap built in vbulletin. And there were no problems with it. But at the moment, I deleted the old sitemap

First I was try with url, but then i used a domain.

This sounds strange to me. I can’t see any problems. Everything is correct. I hope someone else here brings you a solution. I can’t see what’s wrong anymore

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