Hubot Adapter for Discourse

Okay, could you try running the post-create-listener of Babble to see if that fixes it?


Oh excellent, that did it, thank you! I can confirm that posts are coming up as expected now.

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Okay, Iā€™ve merged that branch into master now, and bumped the version, so this should work in Babble from now on. :+1:

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I am confused about what is the best method to create the discourse user accounts for bots!
I would like to make several accounts similar to discobot that donā€™t have a valid email address and are dedicated for API use, is there a commandline way to do that? ā€œrake admin:createā€ sanity checks the email address before creating the user.

Our environment has SSO enabled against a windows AD and I would rather not have to create extra domain users and exchange accounts just to get some spare email addresses for my bot accounts :slight_smile:

You can create them with any (non conflicting) email from that rake task, since they will not be authenticating against your sso.

You would most likely want to turn off the email notifications in the bot profile just so no email is ever attempted to get sent there too.


Does the bot only reply if the post begins with ā€œ@hubotā€? Iā€™d like to be able to have a complete message and then use bot commands at the bottom of the message. Something like:

I swing my giant axe and it comes down on the goblin!
@hubot roll 1d20+3

But Iā€™m not getting a response unless Iā€™m referencing the bot in the first word.

Thatā€™s the difference between robot.respond and robot.hear ā€“ you can use the latter to catch expressions like roll {thing}. If you donā€™t mind reading coffeescript, you can read my dice roller implementation here.


This is exactly what I need. Thanks for the response!


Need help installing this adapter. Do I install this on the server. As in do I ssh in, move to /var/discourse and then follow the instructions as mentioned in the github link?

Hubot can be installed completely separate from your discourse instance. You may install it on the same server as your running Discourse, but it is not necessary to do so.

All thatā€™s needed is an API key, through which the bot communicates with the Discourse instance.

The Hubot adapter to talk to Discourse is installed alongside the Hubot instance when youā€™re setting it up.


Iā€™ve got Hubot up and running like a champ ā€“ so thank you for the guidance here!

Is there a way to have the bot automatically follow all categories? Currently, weā€™re having to go and manually add the categories.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Thanks for the feedback - thereā€™s no way to currently let the bot follow all categories automatically unfortunately. It does seem like a decent candidate for a configurable option though.

I consider it a nice to have though, since it shouldnā€™t be too much effort to sign in as the bot and set categories (depending on the number of categories!).


Thank you for the response! Itā€™s that last bit that gets us. We utilize Discourse for an enterprise that has 100+ individual activities, hundreds of managers, and thousands of users.

As the platform grows, it becomes a pain to track and update Hubot to follow. Itā€™d be nice if there were a group option that once assigned to, the user (or bot) automatically follows all.

Again, thank you!

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Iā€™m trying to find specifics on this pluginā€¦ but bits and pieces onlyā€¦

Is there a plugin that activates chatgpt like bot but itā€™s catered to the theme / subject of the forum?

Like I have a forum for photographers and I want to be able to activate a chatgpt for anything they need in the photography universe.


Yes with Chatbot you simply tailor the system prompt and it will act in character. Itā€™s also extensible. You can customise it with additional tools (if required)


Awesome Iā€™d love to install this plugin but Iā€™m not sure I am able to / not a developerā€¦ but Iā€™d like to make this available for our community :confused: can you assist?

My community


Are you self-hosted?

There are instructions on the Plugin Topic.

The installation is very similar to adding in any plugin:

But of course there are unique settings.

Of course you may hire me to give you more dedicated support (feel free to PM).