If I change a GUI in Discourse, am I infringing something nice?

I really believe in the potential of open source tools, I would like to know if I could change the graphical interface of Discourse so that Discourse looks like chat. I am creating an intranet and for that reason I would like to use Discourse as an alternative to Sharepoint/Slack/Discord/Whatsapp Web.

Some ideas that I think would be good visually for that purpose to be fulfilled:

if anyone can read and clarify this question, I would be happy for the answer: If I change a GUI in Discourse, am I infringing something nice?

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If you want a pure chat solution, I’d first try using a pure chat software, like https://element.io/, Mattermost, https://rocket.chat/ and similar ones.

We are also working on a side chat plugin, so keep an eye on that too: Introducing Discourse Chat (PRE-ALPHA).

Do you mean infringing in the legal sense? Discourse is licensed under GPL-2 so you should check with your company lawyers.


It is normal for people to change the L&F of Discourse, just take a look through #theme


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