Images stuck on 'Processing'

Hello, I’ve encountered a issue over on my forum. Sometimes when uploading an image it gets stuck on processing. Not sure what is causing this.

I tried disabling image optimization all together, but still have problems.

Also I’ve tried following this, but I’m not sure where to force https after the fact. I uses the normal installation process so that should not be the issue.

Any help is awesome.

Note on solution: After changing the setting a server reboot may be required.

It could be, there is a bug in the current install process.
Just search for force https in Admin - Settings.

When the upload is stuck on “processing”, do you see anything abnormal in the console or network tabs of your browser?

Awesome, I found it in the setting and enabled it. I re-enabled image optimization and it didn’t work at first, but after rebooting the server images are processing fine.

Thank you for pointing me to the correct setting.

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