Implementing webhooks for the Calendar plugin

Hello !

I wanted to know if you’re interested by the implementation of a few webhooks for the Calendar plugin.

I can work on it if the community feels like it would be a good addition to the plugin…

That being said, it will take time as I cannot find a proper documentation on how to implement webhooks in a plugin, and will have to do some research :slight_smile:


Do you have some interesting use cases? What operations would you implement? Create/update/delete/event sign up/event sign out?

Yes, these are the events I want to create for now; the use case being to trigger an external event management platform.

The next question will be to be able to accept hooks from the remote platform, but I may create a separate plugin for it as it can’t be generic (my first guess) unless we implement support for iCal format (but still, I already can see a lot of limitations to this).

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I found an official plugin with webhook extensions : GitHub - discourse/discourse-solved: Allow accepted answers on topics.

So I can start working on the implementation if there is no objection :slight_smile:

I dug into the code and I found that’s not as easy as it should to add new webhooks.

  • Webhooks are part of a group of webhooks (I guess it’s for the admin and/or to namespace events)
  • For the Solved plugin, there are 2 webhooks: solved_accepted_solution and solved_unaccepted_solution, in the solved group

Where it goes wrong is:

  • the solved group is hardcoded in the WebHookEventType model of Discourse
  • the two events are also hardcoded in the WebHookEventType model of Discourse

I’ll see if and how I can manage to still declare new events without to have to touch to the Discourse code…

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