Import site theme via console

The problem with this approach is that all the posts and users get transferred as well which is what I don’t want
The thing is that we made a test production environment to import our 65k users and 80k posts to discourse. We were using a custom forum and so we had to make our own importer. We got frustrated with the import process taking more than a week, so we decided to limit the number of users to those who have actually had some forum data and manage the rest using SSO.
Now that the script was ready we need to deploy it.
We effectively manage our servers using puppet so I made a puppet script to install discourse. All I need is to automatically set it up
I want to import afresh and so I need to import the theme separately
Therefore I want to include a Ruby script to be run after install. The script currently adds the SSO config and stuff but the theme needs to be done via the website
I wanted to import theme in the same script