Improve invite system

As folks on tests-passed may have noticed, @dan has been diligently working on improving the invite system along the lines described in the OP. The improvements are now in and working quite well, so now is a good time to check it out if you have not already! Let us know what you think and if you notice any issues. Some screenshots of new interfaces below.

Invites can now be accessed via a much improved interface on the user menu. Pending link and email invites are now displayed in a combined interface. Redeemed invites are displayed in chronological order, newest first.

The biggest addition is that regular users allowed to invite others can now copy a link to share in addition to sending an email invite. They can also change the max number of times a link can be used, limited by the invite link max redemptions limit users admin setting (default 10). They cannot change how long invites are valid, set in invite expiry days admin setting (default 30 days).

Staff can access advanced options to add invited users to groups, choose a specific topic to send them to upon first login, and change the link expiry timeframe. For email invites, staff can add an optional personal message.

Bulk invite works as previously, except now an interim step is displayed with some just in time info on how to set up your csv file before uploading it.

Pending invites tab with both link and email invites

Create invite link with advanced options open

Create invite email with advanced options open