Improve user profile organization/workflow

Continuing the discussion from Would an edit button next to the user profile picture to make it easier for new users to upload a profile picture?:

I like that idea, or some variation of it. Further, the whole path to completing a basic user profile could be more intuitive. It currently requires:

  • Click user icon
  • Click Profile icon in drop-down Notifications menu
  • Click Preferences in Notifications pop-out
    (If you chose Summary, now find Preferences in the user screen menu)
  • Edit profile picture in Account user area
  • Notice and click Profile in user screen submenu
  • Edit profile info in Profile section

It might make sense to land the user in Profile instead of Account, and include the profile picture under Profile. (Maybe even Name, Title, and Flair?)


To my mind, the Account section should contain items less commonly accessed – maybe only things not publicly visible – and wouldn’t need to be the default.