Include the Signatures plugin on more hosted plans

We’re a hosted customer. Is there any chance of seeing the signatures plugin getting added to either the Standard hosting plan or Business plan? I understand it could be an option under the Enterprise plan but we’re a small non-profit so that’s out of our budget. I know we could move to a self-hosted setup but we’d prefer to have the comfort and support of being a hosted customer.

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There are no plans to add it at the moment, but the plugins included in all the plans are reviewed reasonably often so it could still be included at some point in the future. :+1:


Is it possible to use this plugin in a Discourse hosted site? We are on the 100USD/month tier and would really like this feature.

I’m afraid it’s only currently available on our Enterprise plans:

Though we do periodically review which plugins are included on different plans so it could be available in the future. :crossed_fingers:


Please review that one :smile: I know it sounds silly, but it would be very useful!

I haven’t really got a good category for this type of request, but I’ve slipped it into feature as the best fit. :slight_smile:

Related topics also surfaced this one, so I’ve combined them. :raised_hands: