Insert Video

:discourse2: Summary Insert Video adds a composer button that simplifies adding videos with subtitles (VTT format), a poster image and multiple video sources to a Discourse post.
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Clicking the button triggers a modal window that allows uploading/linking the relevant files and then adds the appropriate HTML code in the composer:


Name Description
default track label
default track langcode
only available to staff
disable download
text tracks as blobs When using subtitles, download VTT files and inject as blob (fixes issues when using S3 storage or a CDN)

(For uploads to work, you’ll need to allow .vtt and your chosen video formats in the authorized extensions site setting.)

Translation Default
modal.title Insert Video
modal.video_title Add video sources
modal.poster Poster image (optional)
modal.vtt_title Subtitles (optional)
modal.vtt_help Comma-delimited, in the format: url,label,langcode
modal.insert Insert
modal.cancel Cancel
source_not_video Error: One of the video source URLs is invalid.
composer_title Insert Video
simple_list_placeholder Add item…

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-13T07:09:42Z

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