The Discourse Team and I are pleased to announce our Import GitHub Issues into Discourse tool. The idea behind it is fairly simple, authenticate with GitHub, select the issues you wish to import, and then provide your Discourse credentials and let it do the rest (as shown in the screenshots below)!
If you have repositories that have open issues and you have a Discourse instance where you would like these issues to reside, please give it a go!
We would love to hear any feedback to your experience with the tool, any improvements that may be useful, and more importantly if you encounter any issues or errors in this topic.
The most common use case is when an issue tracker gets overburdened with “Discussion” and “Enhancement” issues. provides a very relevant case study:
Lock the GitHub ticket. Lose the ability to ask for pertinent additional information unless you unlock the thread.
Do the OP suggestion. Leave the GitHub open. The conversation splits and bike-shedding happens on the ticket anyway.
Do the OP suggestion. Lock the GitHub thread. Sort through all the bikeshedding on here for pertinent information, pushing the problem back 1 step to obscurity.
OR the MOST LIKELY THING. Do the OP suggestion. Lock the GitHub thread. Ignore any further pertinent information on Discourse because you put a barrier up to it.
Either way you’ll have to moderate. So, why not keep the conversation on GitHub and moderate it there. If you have to lock the thread, someone can PM you here and you can post it on that thread.
You can see how we do it right here with Discourse. All our discussion is here, yet the code is on github. It isn’t some kind of magical impossibility to achieve.