Inviting existing users to topics

(manually quoting below because it doesn’t seem I can quote a post if the topic is closed):

Notify Feature can be easily abused - #63 by sam
From the inception of meta we have 377 usages of this feature.
In the last week it was used 5 times .

2 times to notify an anonymous user.
1 time to bug @codinghorror about the topic discussing this feature
1 time to test on discobot
1 time which may or may not be legit.

Feature is mostly abandonware and for very good reason.

If I recall correctly, the notify button previously only showed up on the share topic dialog, not the share post dialog, so I wonder if that also contributed to why people didn’t use it. For example, I only discovered it existed a little bit before it was removed and I think that’s because I tend to share posts more than full topics.

Also, if it only existed similar to a poke button, that may have impacted its usage. So I’m not sure if people didn’t use it because they didn’t want to or they found it lacking the ability to add more context.

Here on Meta, I don’t have much desire to share privately with people. Honestly, I know so few people here, I’d probably feel uncomfortable sharing something privately with them or even publicly tagging them, and I wonder if that’s similar for other people on Meta.

However, on the communities I’m building, I feel a much stronger desire to have private side conversations of a main topic. A way to ping someone I know well to pay attention to the topic without having to call the group’s attention to that person. If I want them to contribute, I think it can make sense to publicly call them out—however, even then, I tend to not like to publicly mention people because then they can feel forced to reply even if they don’t want to.

I wonder if the nature of the community and the nature of the discussion influences whether people would use a feature like this. That being said, if Discourse doesn’t see it as a priority, maybe it can be a plugin/theme component.


I’m not against it per se, I just struggle to see where it fits in the big picture. And if you want “side conversations to ping someone”, that’s part of what the integrated chat feature we are building, is for, isn’t it?

When I want to message someone directly about a post, I click on their avatar to see their user card, and then on the message button. The link is prefilled for me even.

The topic notify button was both too prominent and too noisy, in comparison. It showed up as a notification but without any contact. You did not know why someone wanted you to see the topic.


Yes and I think that probably works good enough on the desktop version with the chat widget: copy the post link, paste into the personal message in the chat widget and go.

From the mobile interface it’s possible as well, maybe just a little more friction as chat takes the full page, but perhaps I’ll just do this.

I guess I’m used to the Twitter and Instagram UXs that have send via direct message options where one chooses the recipient and can optionally add a message.

I think this works great if I want to send a private message to the person posting. If I want to send it to someone else, maybe someone else not involved in the topic, this would seem like quite a few steps.

Yeah, I didn’t like the poke-like notify button either but would probably like a send via direct (chat) message option.


Generally I think there is a design choice here in discourse - we seek to promote discussion in topics where they benefit more people, not in private. But you can always easily grab the link and paste it wherever you like to share with someone privatelly, or quote reply if you have the composer open already.

If you have the chat plugin installed (in beta still!) you can also copy/paste post links into your chat messages and they will onebox nicely, just like in any topic.

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I think it’s ok to have that focus. I think what confuses me is that the share dialog basically does the “send via direct message” option but through Twitter, Facebook, and email, all off-platform options (email being a private conversation), but doesn’t have the option to do so on the Discourse platform itself.

Perhaps the idea with off-platform is to bring people to the public on-platform discussion, but I just think it would make sense to have the similar UX for sharing on-platform.

Again, it doesn’t matter too much and it’s ok with me if the team doesn’t want to put it in, I’m just noticing myself almost reflexively going for the “share via direct message” option on mobile, as I do on Twitter and IG, and feeling confused/bummed when it’s not there.


I would say that an opening move here would be a theme component that adds the buttons, it should be reasonably easy to build.


I was thinking this could actually do the trick:

But for now, I’m not sure if there’s a way to easily hook into a Discourse chat intent to pick someone to send a chat message to. Maybe it’d be easy for someone else to create, it seems a bit outside of my wheelhouse at the moment.

Because you don’t want push such noise to everyone’s feed. That is one reason because such action is so… disliked in Facebook, and should use private message instead. There is absolut no point to tell everyone I think George should read/follow some topic.

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I meant within the context of already replying. It’s quite rare that I see an interesting topic and I don’t want to reply to it, and I only want to bring it to the attention of another person.

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For me it happends every all the time. And I’m not the only one — it is the most common reason to tag someone in some. Plus as annoying than ”I follow this” posts :wink:

Techically… what happends if I mention (something what is really disliked here :wink: ) someone when replying to another person or directly to topic? Will my reply acting as reply, if you understand what I’m meaning?

Otherwise… the whole topic is more or less just another meta/UX/UI topic to me because I can send invitation — propably I’m using very same component that Jim mentioned earlier. But I think it should be an option from Discourse itself.

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Right, so you’d use the soon-to-be-launched chat, or a PM, to notify someone about the topic privately. Or you could email them a link to it via the buttons, etc. Lots of options for inviting existing users to topics (privately).


That is removed now, too.

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