iOS phantom scroll-up on topics

Here on Meta and also on the forum I admin, I often (but not always) notice a weird UX behavior with scrolling down in a topic. When the scrolling motion/event is done, the browser’s top bar and bottom buttons reappear as if I had scrolled up, without any interaction on my part.

Here’s a video which illustrates the issue. Note that I am only scrolling down, the brief scroll-up & browser elements reappearing at the end of the scrolling movement is the issue.

The video shows it happening after scrolling down twice, and then it does not happen after a third scroll down.

It does not seem to happen when scrolling in other pages such as search results. I don’t see anything like this on desktop, just on my iPhone.

Perhaps a minor issue, but I find it quite jarring!

May I ask what phone you have and what browser you are using?

I use Chrome on an iPhone 13 Pro and haven’t seen that issue.

Brave browser, iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 17.4.1

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