Is it possible to customize the "Share to [my-Discourse-mobile-app]" behavior on mobile?


The forum-customized Discourse web app (let’s call it fcDwa) for iOS and Android is just gorgeous!

We’d like to customize what happens when someone uses the “Share to our fcDwa” from other apps.

For instance we’d like to automatically create a Topic prefilled with some info based on the context in the App from which the users is sharing.

For instance, if a user is sharing a LinkedIn profile from the LinkedIn mobile app (through the “…” icon) to our fcDwa, it opens our fcDwa (excellent!), but it stops there, which is not that useful for the user. We’d like for instance to automatically create a Topic with the Full name of the shared LinkedIn Profile and prepopulate the first post with the LinkedIn link to the profile.

I haven’t seen anything about this feature in the settings, the documentation nor in Meta.

Is it possible to do it natively? If not, would it be feasible with a plug in?



Interesting, this is a feature that @Falco added a while ago: FEATURE: Web Share Target Support · discourse/discourse@efec2db · GitHub

It’s supposed to pass a title and text parameter to Discourse, and then Discourse triggers a composer window with those params prefilled.

Do you know if sharing on apps other than Linkedin pass these parameters correctly? I.e. does “share to fcDwa” work well when sharing from somewhere else, say text selected in a browser?

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Hi Penar, no, sorry, idk
