Is PWA feature available for Self Hosted?

Please, is PWA feature available for self hosted Install? If yes, how do I turn it on for Testing?

Yes, it’s available everywhere Discourse is.

It’s enabled by default for every site that is installed following our standard install guide.


Thanks, so how do I turn the feature on?
I visited
2. I switched off my Wifi\Internet.

I got “no internet error” on my IOS device.
What am I missing or are there any flags I need to set ? Is there a dependency on a Theme component that I need to install?

You shouldn’t need to visit Meta at all. See Discourse now works as a PWA in iOS

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I read through that same instructions earlier, but the issue I face is that, the SHARE arrow is not there for me. It is not showing. I am running IOS 17. I have even tried on DiscourseHub app;I don’t see it.
Perhaps, there is flag that needs setting?

You won’t see it on Discourse Hub because that’s not a web page. You need to be doing it from your browser.


Then your iOS is broken. It is there when you open i.e. Safari.

On iPhone it is down there:

And after that:

Sorry, I didn’t bother change language for that. You know icons, though. But it is in English something like Add to home screen.