Is there a setting within the app that allows for sound notifications?

I have two completely separate discourse forums that I follow. This one, and my own. When I receive a notification from THIS forum on my phone, I get a sound notification. However, from my personal forum, I don’t. Is there a setting within the the Admin section of the forum that allows for sound notifications? If so, I can’t find it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Notification sounds are browser notification settings and system settings. Discourse only allows toggling notifications on and off, what actions will notify you, and scheduling.

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@Lilly, does that mean that if my default browser on my iPhone allows for sound notifications, that Discourse will provide sound notifications if a setting within Discourse is turned on? I’m sorry, I’m just trying to get clarification.

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iPhone - go to system and notifications and under notification style, choose the notification options you want for the Discourse hub app. as far as I know that is how I do it on mine (I just changed sounds and toggled them off that way now to test it).

If you are using browser, then it should be the same way, but pick the browser instead of the hub app. And of course check your tracking and notification settings in your Discourse user preferences for those specific forums to make sure they are turned on and configured to how you want.

Thank you, @Lilly. I appreciate the help.

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Sorry I should have given you a more detailed and clearer answer the first time :slight_smile:

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Again, thank you. :nerd_face:

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