Is there a way to default to Latest instead of unread for sub categories?

For our forum, Latest is far more important than unread. Is it possible to default to latest?

Hello @c12gene, you can change the default filter by clicking on the wrench icon within the subcategory to access its category settings, then go to Settings → Appearance → Default Topic List → set to “Latest”

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Hi Carson, thanks for chiming. Unfortunately, this category is already set to that…

iScreen Shoter - Google Chrome - 240630173959

When I visit the category, the menu defaults to unread. I have to click latest to get latest.

Maybe our forum isn’t working correctly?

Ah, I think it may be due to a personal user preference. Under Preferences → Navigation Menu → Navigation → uncheck “Link to the filtered list.”


Cool, hopefully that does the trick…Thank you for showing me that feature.

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