Is there a way to generally cancel all mutes that have been set up at once?

A user of mine asked:

Is there a way to generally cancel all mutes that have been set up at once?

I want to add:
Is there an option to unmute all muted users or categories or tags in one action?

Can you explain why that would be a commonly-used enough action that it would need to be considered? I’ve never heard of a user muting users and categories so extensively that they can’t go back and revert those changes by hand.

If such a button did exist and users were muting/ignoring aggressively then a misclick could be catastrophic.


Hello and welcome @Bit :slight_smile:

It’s really quick to deselect lots of users or categories from your /preferences/users and /preferences/categories pages (and tags too):

As @Stephen says, is there a specific reason your user needs a one-click option?


Meanwhile, I recommended the user to always click on the Ă— of the first element without moving the mouse - like a woodpecker.

The user says (translated):

My question, “How many mutes did you have to deactivate in one go and how did they come about?” unfortunately remained unanswered.
Thank you for your support!