Is this possible?

Context, I dont have access to everything and trying to make it work. We’re a small NPO and the gentlemen that helped me get started has kind of disappeared. I think he’s on vacation, but not sure. I cant migrate out of GoDaddy yet… My site is up and running, but I’m trying to put discourse at and getting error 443.

He holds the cloudflare NS with the wordpress server.

The top two serevers are his cloudflare.
Bottoom two are mine.

In my cloudflare I have…

On Digital ocean…

When trying to install Discourse im getting Error 443

Am I over thinking this? This is all new to me.

You don’t need anything at the digital ocean dns.

You don’t need to add more ns records than cloudflare told you do.

It looks like things are correct.

You’re saying that when you run discourse-setup you get an error about port 443 and 80 not being available?