Issue with Color palette with Discourse 2.9.0.beta3

Hey discourse community,

I have just installed discourse 2.9.0.beta3 on digital ocean on that domain =>

It looks like there is an issue with this latest version.

When I change the color palette, this is not taken into account and the site remains in dark mode.

I don’t have this problem with version 2.9.0.beta2

I followed this guide to install discourse: discourse/ at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Can you confirm that there is a bug? And if so, what is the workaround? I haven’t found a way to install an older version.

Thank you :pray:

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Hello and welcome @Alexandre_Guillemine :slightly_smiling_face:

Your site works for me in Light mode:

The two things I can think of would be:

  • Sometimes you need to refresh your page for changes to become visible
  • You’ve set the default dark mode color scheme id, and your Discourse is picking up your dark theme preference from your browser

Do they help at all?

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Hey Jammy,

I already tried that. I have deleted the cache, refreshed. Even in private navigation, it does not work.

Quick video to show you: Screencastify

I don’t understand. I already have updateed the colour palette on other sites without any problem. Here, clearly, it doesn’t work with beta3. I have another site with beta2 and it works, I can change the colour scheme.

On your side, did you do the test on a fresh install with a beta3 version?

Thank you,


Oh, I just realized that you have tested my site on your side … And you get the light mode :smiley:

That’s really really weird. Ok, so it’s related to my browser.

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Indeed, I just tested on another machine and I have the light mode ! I just don’t understand why on my other machine I keep the dark mode. I did clear the cache though. Use private browsing.

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Have you put that browser on Dark theme from the browser settings? When I flip to dark mode in Chrome and go to your site I get the auto-dark colours.

That’s really weird. My brower are not on dark theme. I have tested in 3 differents browers: safari, chrome and firefox. And for these 3 browsers on my mac, I always end up with a dark palette colour with discourse beta 3.

In addition, I can get the light pallet colour on another discourse ( beta2 version ) from this same machine and in these same 3 browsers. So, I really have the impression that it comes from the discourse version. I use a mac. I don’t have the issue on windows.

Is it possible to install an earlier version of discourse? For example, beta 2?

Ok, I just tested on another mac. And I don’t have the problem. So it seems to be related to my mac :confused:

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I’m afraid I don’t have any experience with macs, but is it possible there’s a dark theme option for the device itself (rather than just the browser) that is having an effect?

That was it! Thank you!!! It was just that the dark mode was enabled on my mac. Thanks a lot!!!


Glad I could help. :slightly_smiling_face: Good luck with the rest of it, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need more help. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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