Jumpy logo transition on meta

There’s a small alignment glitch:

On a more general note, on desktop view the small logo doesn’t seem so helpful any longer, now that the logo sits atop the sidebar. It actually makes the topic title render far left of the topic, though there’d be enough space to keep it right above:

But desktop and mobile use the same small logo setting. And on mobile the header layout would indeed get scrambled without a very narrow small logo.

So right now it doesn’t seem to be an option to keep the same logo for all header states on desktop. Are there any plan to address this?


That’s why I use a full width theme.


I generally quite like the centered layout… but that’s a great hint! At least in a custom theme I could add the modifying code that the full width component uses:

Because, to paraphrase the code comment, so far I only had some monkey-patching ideas :smile::see_no_evil: