Stuck in Desktop view on mobile from long logo

This may be considered a bug, but I’m not positive.

I have a user that is stuck in desktop view on a mobile device (who knows why he clicked desktop view) because the hamburger menu is pushed off the screen by our long logo. I can’t replicate this on meta because the logo fits nicely even in desktop view.

I could tell him to change the URL to get out of desktop view, but this is not possible in the discourse app. I can temporarily hide the logo so he can switch back, but an actual solution long term would be nice despite it being an edge case.

I tried disabling all theme components and plugins and can still replicate this.

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You could maybe add the link Nature Photographers Network to the “Community” dropdown menu (to get back to mobile view).

You could remove the “desktop view” option from the hamburger menu using a theme component.

I wonder whether removing the forum from the Discourse app, then reinstating it, would solve the current problem.

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Yes, I agree, this needs a fix in core, I think the best solution for it would be to enforce a max-width on the logo for small (below 768px) window sizes on the desktop layout.

Also, easiest way to replicate this by using responsive design mode on your browser, but NOT using a mobile user agent. That will load the desktop site, and then you can resize the window to small sizes. (Example below from Safari.)


Thanks Penar, this gave me the idea to swap out the logo in desktop view below 768px to the mobile logo. Something similar should probably be in core. Thanks!

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  body {
    .d-header #site-logo {