Kiosk, a self-service theme

:dizzy: Summary Kiosk has the look of a self-service terminal
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository GitHub - nolosb/discourse-theme-kiosk
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes


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Theme Features

  • Simple navigation
    The theme drops most nested or complex navigation features

  • Pick your favorites
    Love this on a reddit-ish theme for Discourse and copied it as is :sparkles: Click a star icon to directly add a category or tag to the sidebar.

Official Components

The theme builds on several official components:

  • Avatar Component
    Resizes avatars and the header

  • Header Search
    Adds a Search field to the header

  • New Topic Button
    Replaces the default button with a persistent New Topic button on the header

  • Dark-Light Toggle
    Adds an icon to toggle color schemes.

Custom Components

It also uses two custom layout components:

  • Panels
    Adds a panel layout around the main content container on all routes.

  • Rounded
    Rounds a lot of elements. A work in progress…


:musical_score: Tune the theme

  • Increase avatar sizes on the Avatar Component so they don’t render blurred. On my live site I’ve set sizes to medium and 45.

  • On the Rounded component you can smooth edges. On my live site I’ve set the default and button radius to 2px.

  • By default the sidebar shows a flat list of links. Toggle this theme setting to show the More dropdown and customize sidebar sections. Only staff will see the dropdown:



nice theme @nolo, i love your work. i may use this (or a variation of it :grin:) on my current forum because it looks like it would be one a lot of my user demographic would like.

question: is the nav-bar supposed to be gone on all pages? as an admin i get a blank space with one button (admin wrench) on the main categories page and so the space is quite noticeable there - but really who cares because i’m the admin and it looks great for regular users. however, i know quite a number of my users use the nav-bar filter links so a mild suggestion would be to add a setting to unhide it on the categories page.

i like how you moved the new topic button to the header and i love the favorites star.

i know you said work in progress on the rounding and i suspect you are on this, but i would suggest some description for the various settings in that component (like in the avatar TC).

i must be in the minority of those that use the collapsing navigation sidebar menu on desktop because i always miss the hamburger icon and that feature in full-width themes and i seems to be a thing these days - it was my only complaint about the Meta full width theme too (but i notice it’s back now) :thinking:


This looks so clean and simple. I love it. :clap:


Actually, what you see as Breadcrumbs on category and tag lists is the nav-bar. It’s just styled so that it only shows selected items, and no drop-downs.

I don’t want to add drop-down filters here because that would pretty much go against the direction of the theme. I do think of having breadcrumbs on all routes though. What I’d like is a look that always repeats the current selection on the sidebar as a breadcrumb indicator. E.g. for the Latest list:

So I hope to add this as an optional component a bit later :slightly_smiling_face:

I can totally see that more navigation options make sense on your forum though! The Panels component as such could probably go well with your setup?


great work!


Great work @nolo :raised_hands:

I love the simplicity of this theme :smile_cat: