Landing Pages Plugin šŸ›©

Cool, you might like this in-progress ā€œlanding pageā€ that has been whipped together from a category and tag group. It is working pretty well. Nothing fancy, but works.


Nice! Itā€™s using this plugin?

No, created with Vue and uses Discourse API.

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Hello, trying to use this but when importing a ZIP I get an error.

Doing this because i need the .css file and .js.

See: Landing Pages Plugin šŸ›© - #47 and the tag end-of-life


@angus is it possible to use bootstrap for creation of main page (login) page of Discourse instance?
Thank You :pray:

I think weā€™ve had a report of this plugin hiding the sidebarā€™s Edit Custom Section modal:

Iā€™ll move the tag over to broken. :+1:

Iā€™m happy to say that @cabidop has breathed new life into this plugin. It is no longer broken :tada:. See further


Thanks for the mention, @angus ! Happy to help with the plugin, I will be around here (and also on Github) so feel free to reach out.


Does the plug-in remain functional, with Blog landing pages as of today?
Iā€™m new to the whole thing & when I try it, it installs & when I follow the docs (ones I found) I get an error about ā€œbodyā€ (which I found no mention for) which I leave as is, empty.
Perhaps I missing something obvious & trivial.

Hi, @lejeczek! I wasnā€™t testing the Landing Pages Blog repository so I donā€™t know if itā€™ll still be fully compatible, but thereā€™s definitely a bug in this plugin that prevents the blog pages to load.

Iā€™ve just pushed a small fix for it, once itā€™s ready to use Iā€™ll let you know.


The fix has been merged :+1:

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Please help, site got messed up from this Plugin

I am trying to use Landing Pages. I installed plugin on my server, but the only 2 config options for it in my Admin panel are:

I was following the instructions on his site to setup a Blog-looking page. I installed the plugin, installed the Blog Landing theme, and the last step is ā€œSet up the Blog Landing Pages as your landing pages repository.ā€ Well, that ā€œlanding pages repositoryā€ URL is broken, so Iā€™m stuck. Iā€™m not sure how to implement the landing pages because I have no config options from the Landing Pages plugin itself. @angus?

As this is a third-party plugin, youā€™ll need to ask support questions on the topic itself. Iā€™ve slipped your post over to get the right eyes on it. :eyes: :+1:

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Ah, ok, was wondering why my post got locked when I refreshed my page, haha. Thanks. Hopefully I hear back soon!

I believe this is this one:

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If you need ā€˜ASAPā€™ you may need to be prepared to contract a professional. Our community support is great, but itā€™s not ā€˜click your fingers and always get instant support for freeā€™. :slight_smile:


Hello @45thj5ej

Could you explain what you mean by this?

Any idea if this is also outdated? An instruction there says, " To connect your pages repository, go to /admin/plugins/landing-pages and click Repository"

Nevermind, figured it out while typing this up. You literally have to go to I kept thinking I had to go to Admin > Plugins > Landing Pages settings icon, which would make the most sense. Sheesh. Thank you for your reply!

I think we are all good now, but I do have a question: Instead of using the blog theme (GitHub - paviliondev/blog-landing-theme), can I use my own theme that Iā€™ve always used?