Layouts Plugin

I’ve updated the locations plugin to add support for Layouts 0.2 :+1:

If you have both plugins installed you’ll see a “Map” widget in the layout widget list.


Thanks Angus. That works great!

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I love the customization provided with this plugin. The question I have, is what might be the best way to attack changing the show/hide icon? Personally, I’m using this to show/hide an instance of embedded Rocket Chat I’m hosting. So, naturally I’d like to make the icon match better than the +/- currently used.

I’ve altered the sidebar aesthetics a bit to fit, but wasn’t sure if changing those icons was possible without something more invasive than just straight up CSS.

Thanks for the Awesome plugin!

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Any way to default the sidebar to closed?

Sorry for the slow reply

This one is simple enough, that I’ve made a setting for it

Likewise :slight_smile:


Hi, this is a fantastic plugin, thanks!
I was wondering how to create a category banner like on pavillion:

It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction!
Thank you very much!

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If I have multiple topic lists for different categories, can I create multiple widgets (one for a category) and show only chosen widget within a specific category?

I see the “topic lists” setting in the “Theme Settings” and wonder how can I achieve the goal?

I thought that it would be possible by hiding some blocks in css, but there is no id numbers or classes in the code of the widget - only titles.

<div id="ember96" class="sidebar-container ember-view">
<div class="sidebar-content" data-click-outside="true">
<div class="widget-container layouts-topic-lists">
<div class="widget-inner">
<div class="list-group">
<div class="list-titles">
<a class="widget-link list-title active" href="" title="">Blog</a></div>
<div class="lists">
<div class="layouts-topic-list-widget active">
<ul><li class="">
<a class="widget-link layouts-topic" href="" title="">
<span dir="ltr">...

Can you suggest any solution?

Update: posted a question here: Topic Lists Widget - #2 by Ed_Bobkov - Layouts - Pavilion
Update2: got an answer from Angus:
Topic Lists Widget - #3 by angus - Layouts - Pavilion

Just updated to 2.7.0beta 3 and PostgreSQL 13. Now seeing

this warning in our log

TypeError: t.replaceAll is not a function

Uncaught TypeError: t.replaceAll is not a function
Line: 1
Column: 31608
Window Location:


TypeError: t.replaceAll is not a function
at t.renderTemplate (
at t.n.setup (
at s (
at t.routeEnteredOrUpdated (
at t.setupContexts (
at t.finalizeTransition (
at E (
at w (




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Hey :slight_smile:

Can you confirm what browser you’re seeing this error on?

I’m not seeing this issue on Chrome, Firefox or Safari on the latest version of the plugin and discourse. See Layouts - Try Pavilion.

Firefox 85.0.1 (64-bit)

Having 2 issues with the Layouts plugin:

  1. I got a problem after the last update with a tag page. No content loads when I open a page for any tag. I found a commit that’s connected with the problem: Update tag contexts and context handling · paviliondev/discourse-layouts@49a9309 · GitHub

  2. Also there is a problem with layouts mobile enabled
    When it’s activated, the site doesn’t load on a mobile phone. I tested with Android only.
    Testing with Chrome debug as a mobile on a desktop doesn’t show the problem.
    I’m on Discourse 2.7.0.beta3 ( [277eae97e1 ], discourse-layouts 49a9309

Also posted on your site: Category List Widget - #11 by angus - Layouts - Pavilion

Both of these should be resolved in this commit :slight_smile:

Regarding bug reports, a quick reminder of how those are handled.

  1. Please report bugs via

  2. Our general support policy is to ensure that all bugs are resolved at the beginning of each month. For more on that policy, please ask @merefield in the linked topic.


Firefox 64-bit 85.01

Excusme, i add categories icon component but not effect with Category List Widget Layout.
Where can i setup?
Thank you!


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You add the image to the category in discourse’s default settings page per category


Wow, thank you so much :slight_smile: so thank so thank, happy

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@angus, I noticed your version on your site has three layers of categories/sub-categories. There’s the top level, then sub categories, then when users click on “Discourse” there is a third level.

Is that something we can set up, or is it something custom you’ve built?

It’s a hidden setting in site_settings.yml, not related to the plugin:


you can include this at the end of your app.yml to set it to 3 like so:

- exec: rails r "SiteSetting.max_category_nesting=3"

@merefield Amazing, thank you!

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