Layouts Plugin

shame the documentation is non existant :wink:

Well, maybe it is non-existant, but I did not know it and found it :innocent:

Hello, I recently installed this wonderful plugin. Loaded the topic list widget as a component.
I noticed that when I click on a topic’s text link in the sidebar and then click on the corresponding post, the sidebar disappears. I have to refresh the site page to get the sidebar to appear again. Is this a feature of the plugin (or widget?) or am I doing something wrong?

Here are my settings:

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Please do not rebuild if this plugin is critical to your site:

Layouts deeply customised the front-end on Discourse and we’ve not had the resources available yet to refactor it to support the above changes.


  • Hold off rebuilding til we give you the green light OR
  • Remove Layouts from your site for the time being.

Thanks for your interest in our free offering.


Does that mean if we rebuild we can’t use Layouts and Locations together to create a map on the side like how we are currently doing it with Layouts and Locations?


Correct. Layouts is gone.

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Thanks for getting back to me. Gone for good or gone for the time being as you mentioned upthread?

If someone stepped up to fund its revival I could be more definitive in my statements


I’ve built a potential replacement for Layouts, anyone is welcome to try it out, and it is now a Theme Component:

It does require the use of self-sufficient Components that source their own data. If you need help building those, you can hire me.

I’ve built in support for Bars in Discourse AI Topic Summary : automated summaries and smart tagging

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Build Failure when Installing Discourse Layouts Plugin:

Error: - errorMessage: discourse/plugins/discourse-layouts/discourse/templates/sidebar-wrapper.js: /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/discourse/plugins/discourse-layouts/discourse/templates/sidebar-wrapper.js: Assertion Failed: Named outlets were removed in Ember 4.0. See for guidance on alternative APIs for named outlet use cases. ('discourse/plugins/discourse-layouts/discourse/templates/sidebar-wrapper.hbs' @ L39:C4) Error: /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/discourse/plugins/discourse-layouts/discourse/templates/sidebar-wrapper.js: Assertion Failed: Named outlets were removed in Ember 4.0. See for guidance on alternative APIs for named outlet use cases.

Please help. Thank you.

I"m afraid that the layouts plugin is no longer maintained (note the broken tag).

If you’d like a hand to move to an alternative framework (such as @merefield’s above) or maybe look at a different approach, you might like to contact Pavilion.


Thank you very much, @nathank. I’ll try out the alternative you mentioned above.

Also, thank you for pointing out the broken tag; I wasn’t aware of that either.

I appreciate your help.