LDAP Setup for Discourse

which jira?
git clone https://github.com/ShaohuaSmile/discourse-jira.git
git clone https://github.com/Jake-Shadle/discourse_jira.git

Thanks so much for your support.
I removed abbreviation plugin from app.yml and do rebuild.
The problem is solved. we can see login with ldap button.


@dnsmichi, @Falco

A Million thanks for all your help and your support :slight_smile:

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our Discourse version is :Discourse 1.9.0.beta1

Last night, I have changed Discourse certificate from Symantec certificate to DigiCert, then rebuild the Discourse, and app is running, but LDAP button is no longer appear in home page (after clicking on “Log In” button).

But, it is possible to login to Discourse with “https://discourse.xx.xx.in/auth/ldap”. Could you please let me know if any one has any idea on this.

Got the below error in the F12 browser console.

we have below plugins in app.yml

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git
          - git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse-solved.git
          - git clone https://github.com/Axel-Naumann/discourse-jira.git
          - git clone https://github.com/jonmbake/discourse-ldap-auth.git

You are on an obsolete Discourse version with security exploits. You should update to 2.1 ASAP


Hi @codinghorror,

Thanks so much for the response. We will look forward to upgrade to 2.1.


I would like to upgrade Discourse to v2.1.2. My current version of postgres database is 9.4. Before upgrading the Discourse , is it necessary to upgrade database to higher version (10+) ? Could you please confirm.

Thank you.

Yes, we only support Postgres 10+. If you followed our standard installation instructions, the upgrade will be handled automatically.



Thanks the for the response. But, I connect to database that is in separate VM, but not in same VM. (configured external database details in app.yml file).

So, I first I will need to upgrade the postgres to 10+ first ? and then go for Discourse upgrade ?

Could you please correct me, if you were referring standard installation instructions at https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md or some other ?

Thank you.

Did you install postgres yourself or did you split the discourse setup into separate web and data containers with the included templates?

Have a look at GitHub - discourse/discourse_docker: A Docker image for Discourse , it explains how the different templates work. If you installed postgres outside of the Discourse templates, it is probably safest to backup your Discourse, verify that you can load it on a separate standalone instance before attempting to upgrade. Then if the upgrade in-place fails you know you can at least start over with a blank deploy with separate data and web containers and load your data from backup.



Thanks for the response.

I have only one container (app), in VM where Discourse is installed. I have database in separate VM (PostgreSQL installed in this VM and also database created in it).

I have mentioned the database details in /var/discourse/containers/app.yml as like below:

  DISCOURSE_DB_HOST: 'database host name'
  DISCOURSE_DB_NAME: 'database name'