While creating users groups to match some of my internal org structure, I am of course not necessarily aware of who has signed up/into my community yet and who has not. On the modal to add users by email or username, in my community, to this user group, I of course assume it’s only going to…add users who are in my community, by username or email.
I had, lets say, 100 user email address that I pasted in to the box below. I would have assume that Discourse would look for any users with these email addresses and add them to the group. What I had no idea it was going to do, was email every single individual that it didn’t find, and invite them to register.
That should definitely be disclosed (and the ability to disable that feature).
I suspect part of the problem lies in that fact then writing that copy, we’re TOO aware of the nuances here and it’s not apparent to admins!
Enter a list of users you want to invite to the group…
point the first: we see “invite” and interpret it as “invite to the site” not “invite to the group”
point the second: I don’t think we even can invite to a group? This straights up adds the users.
I agree this isn’t great.
As a straight up text fix, how does this look?
Enter a list of users to add to the group. Any emails provided will add the associated user to the group if found, or send an invitation if not.
Eh… that wording is still kind of awkward.
As another way of doing this, can you pass those groups at login time via DiscourseConnect/SAML/oAuth2?
Thankfully my company specializes in Identity Governance, so this will all be taken care of by our software soon and will manage their entire lifecycle.
BUT, that integration doesn’t happen for another 6-8 weeks and I needed a few groups now.
Nevertheless, hey: free UX testing!
IMO you can never be too helpful to us admins here. Verbosity is what we need, so we can be effective administrators (though I only wear this hate from time to time).
That sounds great. If I were to write it, it’d probably be:
Enter a list of usernames or emails to add to this group. If entering an email, and the email is not currently associated with a user, an invitation to join the community will be sent to that email address.
still trying to decide if this typo is intentional or not…

But I love your version and point about verbosity.